Destiny Deville - Coming Out A Bisexual Tale
Judy and I were close. When I told her about my breakup with Cindy, Judy's reaction was a mix of surprise and barely concealed relief. She had never liked Cindy one bit, saying she was an evil plastic doll. All things considered, Judy was right. After Cindy unceremoniously dumped me to hook up with a braindead frat boy, Judy was all sympathy and cuddles with me, even more than usual. She showered me with attentions, hugging me and getting on her tiptoes to give me her typical smacking pecks on the cheeks at every chance. It was nice, very nice indeed. And, in truth, Judy had done a fairly good job of keeping her characteristic curiosity in check, respecting my wish not to discuss Cindy anymore. So far, at least."Seriously though," Judy went on, unperturbed by my defensive sarcasm, "I can see that you're still thinking about her. You're not sad like, the-love-of-my-life-left-me kind of sad, of course, because she was definitely not the love of your life. But you do miss her. I invited her for a coffee after finishing our shopping where we had a good chat catching up on various things. She told me life was much harder now because many westerners were leaving so it was difficult to find work and she asked me if I had a housemaid.I told her I had not had one for a long time as being alone in my place it was easy for me to do it myself. Her face showed disappointment and she told me if I changed my mind then she would be happy to work for me so I told her I would think about it. I gave her a lift home and took her cell number so I could call or text her if I changed my mind.The following Thursday morning I called her and found out that she was not working that morning and I told her I would take her as my part time maid if that would be of help to her to which she agreed instantly. She only had a vague idea where I lived so I said if she was free now I would pick her up and show her exactly where I lived. Again she agreed instantly and I picked her up and.
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